Free As Above

Mark Passio’s ( work on Natural Law is the gold standard to understanding how this world works. It is about 9 hours long and broken up into three parts. This truly explains how the world fits together.

Checkout the links here:

Natural Law Part 1

Natural Law Part 2

Natural Law Part 3

The principals of Natural Law are these, as clearly explained in Passio’s work: Do NO HARM to other Living Sentient Beings. Meaning, the initiated stealing of an innocent, living, sentient being’s property will trigger Natural Law consequences to the negative for the initiator and will induce harm, which creates suffering for the victim. This is what is meant by breaking Natural Law Principles.

Listed below are the initiated ways of stealing that will always produce harm then suffering for the victim:

1.) Murder/Assault (Stealing an innocent, living, sentient being’s life, body, and mental integrity, which is their property)

2.) Trespass (Stealing an innocent, living, sentient being’s peaceful domicile in their home or body, which is their property)

3.) Theft (Stealing an innocent, living, sentient being’s peacefully acquired property)

4.) Rape (Stealing an innocent, living, sentient being’s choice to sexually relate, which is their property)

5.) Willful Lying (Stealing an innocent, living, sentient being’s complete information in order for them to make an informed decision, which is their property)

6.) Coercion (Stealing an innocent, living, sentient being’s free will choice, which is their property)

To be in harmony with one’s self and the Creation of the Universe and to eliminate suffering caused by harm, is to align one’s life to NOT break these Natural Law principles.

The last step is then to NOT participate in any institutions (governments, religions, organizations, mind controlled world views, etc.) that break these Natural Law Principles.